Ok I wasnt quite sure where to place this question

I know this diet is the very best for the hormone balance and that makes it seem really uncomfortable and unecesary to continue taking my special birthcontrol pills (Diane) with lots estrogens in them. They didnt work for my acne, wich was the main purpose for them, so apparantly I didnt have a hormone imbalance before start taking them, wich my doctor didnt even want to test beforehand. Wierd. So im getting more and more certain I want to quit them altogether now. But when you have supplied the body with this high amount of estrogen and anti androgens from a pill the body naturally turns down its own production of such hormones so when i go off them there will be an adjustment period for some months(?) or so before the body gets its own estrogen production upp to speed again. This is what ive red and what the doctor has told me. This will result in alot of hairloss and acne (+ scalp acne wich means even more hairloss). But i wonder how severe theese effects will be on me since im on this diet as well. Would you care to guess?
Is there any posibility that this diet is so good at balancing hormones that there will be (nearly)no bad sideeffects at all? Ive been on this pill for a year now and im only in my twenties so i guess that speaks for a good recovery too. And also im thinking maybe eating much more yolks is a good way to help the body get its own estrogen back on track faster again?
And is there any more specific facts on how long theese kind of adjustment takes? Every doctor ive spoken too just says different things. Well maybe its that individual.