You answered your own question in this thread:Could frequent sips of the Sugared OJ cause a gum/mouth issue? (I didnt always flush with water after sipping) I took the OJ separately with a spoon, 4 tbs a day. Could this separated intake cause an imbalance and therefore making a mouth issue?
I am doing 100% sample diet (except for egg-soup), but just yesterday i got 2 spot in my mouth that hurts, 1 just at the bottom front gum, the other 1 precisely behind the bottom side tongue.. they are definitely different than the occasional sprue I have had before (i.e when accidentally bitten lips etc)
Throughout the day, i eat :
Morning : 1 Banana, couple of sugar OJ sips, 1 tbs OO, and then hour later eggsoup (3 eggs)
throughout the day, I eat around 1 avocado, 4-6 bananas total with sips of sugar OJ (a total of 1 litre OJ and 200 g sugar for 1 full day), and 1-3 OO separately.
Night : egg soup (3 eggs)
What might have caused this?.. I got runny nose too today (probably air conditioner being too cold).
I think this diet should make me on the healthiest condition... My urine was somewhat light-pinkish too yesterday (didnt have any red food like beets, just the ones listed)..... altho usually kinda yellow/orange (should i drink water more? I never find myself thirsty with the OJ sips and the occasional water flush).
Or is there such a thing as a too much vitamin C as claimed here? ... lcers.html
I don't take vit C supplements, but the intake of our diet should very easily surpass
Anyone else have had this problem?
It is probably a lack of B vitamins that cause the bleeding of your gums.
You may take a B-vitamin complex for a couple of days to rapidly resolve that,
and of course reduce your oil plus sugar intake.