Im ready to give up cardio

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Im ready to give up cardio

Post by kylecortez »

Im ready to give up cardio but its just been pounded in my head so much how important cardio is. I got this feeling like my heart is going to be really weak and i will get coronary artery disease if i dont do cardio. Whats the normal heart like? Is it really a big deal if you don't do cardio?
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Re: Im ready to give up cardio

Post by RRM »

kylecortez wrote:I got this feeling like my heart is going to be really weak and i will get coronary artery disease if i dont do cardio. Whats the normal heart like? Is it really a big deal if you don't do cardio?
Your heart is just a muscle.
You use it daily, continously, so it gets practise either way.
If you do cardio, you do bodybuilding for the heart; it makes your heart grow bigger and stronger. If you dont, its less big and less blown up.
If you dont do cardio and your arteries are not clogged by oxysterols, damaged proteins and bad fats, your heart is in shape much like the "Brad Pitt fight Club Look". If you do cardio, its more like Schwarzenegger in his hay days.

Do you need your heart to be pumped up to be healthy?
Not at all.
If you take the stairs or do some work outs regularly, or bicycle to work, you heart is as trained / 'ripped' as it needs to be.
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Post by johndela1 »

If your nutrition is right you dont' have to worry about heart disease.
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