Balancing sugar & fat intake

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Balancing sugar & fat intake

Post by niffer »

What are some good ways to combine foods to ensure my fat and sugar intake are balanced to keep my blood sugar stable to prevent fat storage?

For example, could I eat a small fruit followed by an egg yolk, and just repeat this whenever I feel like having a meal?

I don't have access to unshelled nuts so those are out of the equation. I am also not a huge fan of avocado, especially since the ones here are expensive and not that great, and it makes me itchy in more than miniscule amounts.

Also... is there such thing as a maximum amount of fat one should be taking in in relation to sugar? It would be more an issue of not getting enough nutrients from fruit if one ate mostly fat, right? Or would it cause other issues?
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Re: Balancing sugar & fat intake

Post by dime »

Mixing fruit with egg yolk is not such a good idea in my experience.

Fruit with a little pure oil (like a teaspoon to tablespoon of olive or coconut oil) is pretty good.
But even one fruit alone, without any fat is ok regarding blood sugar. Dried fruits are an exception and you need to be more careful about them, as usually they have much more carbs relative to weight.
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Re: Balancing sugar & fat intake

Post by niffer »

Lol nvm I found this from the sample diet info on the wai website: "(as a guideline: roughly 1 gram fat for every 2 grams carbs..)"
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Re: Balancing sugar & fat intake

Post by RRM »

Yes, the fat with sugar is advised for beginners particularly, as one is used to eating big meals,
When you are not so well trained in feeling your blood sugar level, the 2:1 ratio is therefore a good guide.
Once you got better in recognising and managing your blood sugar with lots of small meals,
that guideline becomes increasingly less important.
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Re: Balancing sugar & fat intake

Post by Lin »

New to this forum today, excuse my first post being tagged on to an old thread but wow RRM this is something that might help me. Will let you guys know how I progress. I have been avoiding fat and sugar and wondering why the weight is not coming off. I would like to lose around 15lbs any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I garden a lot, so lots of walking up steep slopes and digging, etc. I run up & down stairs around 15 times a day, but not in one session.
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Re: Balancing sugar & fat intake

Post by RRM »

Avoiding fat and sugar, you will trigger appetite through various systems, as they are the core suppliers of energy for our body.
Instead, you just need to prevent the storage of new bodyfat (from each big meal),
as our body burns fat 24/7 already.
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