Losing weight: Mum and Aunty

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Losing weight: Mum and Aunty

Post by dionysus »

My mum and aunty want to lose weight. They are both over weight. My mum also has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


.... which hopefully the diet will help her with because she is not doing well.

My aunt and my mum are both 50 years old.

I kind of need some advice in how to explain the diet in layman’s terms. I ideally want them both to go on the 100% sample diet and need to explain the benefits of this diet over the non-100% Wai Diet.

These are the plus points so far

1) You are able to 'listen' to your body more efficiently and thus detect when it requires energy and when you have in taken too much energy. This is important as energy levels are related to mood
2) No intake of substances with cause water retention and therefore the loss of water held in the body will occur.
3) No intake of substances that cause chemical changes in the brain. These chemical changes are addictive.

ANY pointers would be GREATLY appreciated

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Post by Oscar »

Heating something changes its composition, like heating water turns it into steam, raw egg turns from a jelly into solid, etc.

Appetite enhancers make you eat more => gain weight

Vegetables contain anti-nutrients, which inhibit the uptake of certain vitamins and minerals.
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Post by dionysus »

Cheers Oscar. Very good points!
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Post by Oscar »

The basic 'truth' about losing/gaining weight:

Intake of energy > use of energy => gain weight
Intake of energy < use of energy => lose weight
Intake of energy = use of energy => no change

Exercise: low intensity exercises burn more fat than high intensity ones.

Give the body enough healthy fats, so it 'knows' there isn't a fat shortage. It'll start using the bodyfat, instead of holding on to it like in a low-fat diet.

Hope this helps. :)
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