Starting over...

If you want to get rid of overweight
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Starting over...

Post by wicca »

Hi everyone :)

I hope for support and good advice joining this forum.

I've been through a lot with foods and my weight. :?

I have suffered from bulimia for many years, and now I am finally over with that part of my life, but in my therapy the last year I had to follow the guidelines of the dietist. (Way to much protein for one :shock: ).

Among other things this has caused a weightgain (not to mention constipation), however this also is due to the fact, that my body was in starvation mode for many years, so when I started eating regularly without purging afterwards my body hung onto all it could get. :(

However now I have figure out some diet that will suit me personally for the rest of my life, and remembering what my months with Wais diet did for my body, I now seek it out again. At the time I still struggled to much with the bulimia, that I didn't stay on the diet.

Having put on a lot of weight over the last year (went from 125 lbs. to 165) my primary goal now is to reach a normal healthy weight again.

I am only 5 " 4 or 1,63 metric (female) and clearly overweight which causes daily inner fights and battles, seeing I am still recovering from an eating disorder those issues are important for me to work through, but it's just as important for me to actually do something about my overweight.

My BMI is 28, so it is time to do something! :oops:

I have a natural urge to eat lots of fruits, so Wai is in essence "easy" for me. :D The many small meals was a bit hard last time I tried this, because of the pratical aspect. Also I never quite got how much OO I need to eat with let's say 2 bananas and an apple. I really could use advice on the basics. :?:

I never got the taste for OJ, but still the diet worked well for me (also for my skin) but I never did it long enough to know how it affected my weight, but I am at a stage, where it couldn't hurt to try it out!
My digestion was supreme on Wais. I did the egg yolks (dont like raw fish and can't get raw brazils where I live) and it worked for me.

I hope I will again... :wink:

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Post by Oscar »

Welcome on the forum. :)

I think an important thing would be to absolutely avoid any kind of appetite enhancers, since they make you eat more than you need. Other than that it's "just" a matter of learning to listen to your body.

You might want to start walking as an exercise, if you didn't do so already.

How much OO to use I can't really say, because I usually pour it on top like a dressing.

Doing the diet without OJ, fish and nuts is fine.
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Post by RRM »

Yeah, just experiment with how much oil you use; you might feel fine with a little, or a lot.
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Post by Christina »

Hi Wicca

I used to always force my body to lose weight by over exercising or some diet or even fasting a couple of times. I lost the 15-20 lbs to my"ideal weight" of 125 lbs, but I would gain it back once I relaxed. That made me so frustrated and I kept repeating it, ending up with huge cravings and overeating after each controlled phase. The funny thing is, that a woman is really beautiful when she is healthy, glowing, happy and satisfied.
My new mantra is to be all those things while growing slimmer on the Wai diet while never abandoning those in order to be thin.
I've been on the diet for 2 months now and I am in such a good mood! My husband can't stop looking at me. He thinks that a woman looks best when more like a ripe peach :wink: The weight aspect is secondary. I mean like J.Lo or Mariah Carey or Laeticia Casta. All those women tend to fluctuate in their weight but look radiant at all times.
On this diet you have no choice but to glow esp. if you do the sample diet.
Since you have cravings try to have more egg yolks and have many, many mini meals just to keep yourself from binging. Even every 20 min. a small hand full is fine. At some point you'll relax and feel happy.
Then start walking a lot, as they say here and maybe cut munch food out completely since eating disordered people are more susceptible to the appitite stimulants in them.
Let me know how it goes.
Christina :)
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Post by wicca »

Thank you Christina,

I may try more yolks (than 3) and I have only done Wais for a few days now, so I think I'll need to give it some time. I was really depressed and tired today, so something is mood is affected, but I am hoping that it is just getting worse because it is about to get better :)

I hope I get into the rhytem of eating this way soon, because I don't wanna give up.

I would like to avoid munchfoods for the same reason you write about. Wai once made me aware of this problem when she replied to my email about my bulimic issue.

I will let you know how I manage :)

Love Wicca
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Post by RRM »

wicca wrote:my mood is affected, but I am hoping that it is just getting worse because it is about to get better :)
No. Thats about not ingesting enough energy; your mood goes down when your blood sugar does (and when lacking fat or cholesterol).
Its the most made mistake regarding this diet; people need to adjust to eating much more frequently.
If you dont eat often enough, you get depressed. Increase the frequence until your mood is good again.
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Post by wicca »

Thanks RRM

I'm positive that you're right actually, but I just assumed it could also be a reaction to not eating what I normally do - making the body crave.

But thanks again - I'll be more awake to the frequency of my meals.
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