grains other than wheat for weight loss

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grains other than wheat for weight loss

Post by johndela1 »

I am trying to help my dad lose weight. He is only concerned with weight loss. I am telling him to first simply stop eating foods that have opioid peptides.

I'm telling him no dairy or wheat.

The freeacne book mentions wheat and dairy as the main source of opioid peptides. Are other grains OK for weight loss?

From what I've read I am telling him to get rid of all grains. Is this over kill?
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Post by Oscar »

No dairy or wheat seems a good start. Of course there's still the 'taste enhancers' and other appetite enhancers, as well as the added dairy and/or wheat to non-dairy/wheat products.

Other than that it's a matter of restricting calories.
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Post by RRM »

The thing is that you can gain or lose weight on any diet.
Grains are a big culprit, indeed, but there are many more (thats why its so much easier on the Wai diet), and if only you eat 1% too much daily, you already gain 2 pounds a year.
Maybe you could try a combination of no-more-wheat-products and a bit smaller meals (5 instead of 3 a day?)
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