anyone living in San Jose area?...

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anyone living in San Jose area?...

Post by martianwarrior »

know where i can get cheap produce, fish, meats etc?...

i just moved to Los Gatos, CA to train for MMA at the American Kickboxing Academy. everything is going great so far... i live a ranch/farm nestled in the mountains and have access to eggs and eventually some fruit trees.

i've found a good place to buy boxes of apples for cheap... $15 for case of organic apples last week! that's damn good :D

meats, oranges and avocados are reasonable prices at Whole Foods. fish is not.
i've found a good place to buy fish, but it's kind of a trek.

any suggestions or ideas are appreciated.
"the purpose is not to disengage from the physical universe. the purpose is to manifest the essence of what you are so completely that you are an aspect of the creation of the physical universe."
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