I actually think to much sometimes.
There's a lot of suffering in this world and when one seeks any truth, it's risky business.
I'm sure there are truths to some propagnda. Nearly everything we do kills something seeable or unseeable. Ethical questions relating to food suck...
Because there are so many choices and so few answers. To poorly quote because I'm not up copy pasting..."Why aren't answers more immediate?" And Oscar said roughly- like "Eat a Big mac and die" really true...and I thought like- what if people died the first time they took a puff on a cigarette, instead of 40 years later???
Just suppose we are in fact, meant to be eating cooked food. That we started cooking food for a reason, and we haven't had time to adapt yet, which could take hundreds of years. What if eating cooked food did lead to a larger brain as stated here:
http://www.beyondveg.com/billings-t/com ... t-4b.shtml
What if our efforts to be healthy as we believe it really is hindering a needed adaptation of mankind?
Sequential eating, it's simplicity alone make it noteworthy. Whether I actually do this or not, doesn't change my belief that it would allow for better digestion and absorbtion of nutrients.