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Joined: Fri 31 Mar 2006 03:54
Location: Portland, OR

Post by johndela1 »

I feel the same way. When I go to books stores I used to spending hours reading nutrition/diet books. Now I see them and think I don't need to keep my searching. I feel like when it comes to nutrition I am %99 there in my knowledge. I don't think I'm arrogant, but I see articles and stuff on 'how to eat' and can see that they are partially correct but most of them are off.

I feel like I will never have to worry about my weight as I age. I way the same now as I did in high school and know how to keep it this way, without depriving myself or constantly feeling hungry. This is really cool.

I owe a huge debt to this web site.

When I meet people that are interested in nutrition, I tell them check out this site, it is really different. I think that is what everybody says, so I don't know how to distinguish it. I usually say something like, 'I have been reading books and scanning the web for over 10 years and have found the best source of info, by far, here.'
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