demineralized water

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Post by johndela1 »

RRM wrote:No, thats not true. they dont need digestion, but part of the minerals ARE absorbed, just as part of the metals are. That is also why you can get metal contamination from drinking high metal water.
Different waters have different effects.
Are you saying you could, for example, get your required iron from eating metalic iron? Or calcium from drinking water with calcium in it?

When I said digest, I should have said assimilate or abosrb
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Post by avalon »

Dear RRM,

I'm sorry, I meant to only quote the leaching part of that "quote" to demonstrate again, that there is a difference of opinion.

I think my back is bleeding... oh, sorry it's just RRM, picking on me again :shock:
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Post by RRM »

johndela1 wrote:Are you saying you could, for example, get your required iron from eating metalic iron?
No, Im not saying that. What i said is that some of the metals / minerals from water is absorbed, but in no way im trying to say that we need water to supply us with minerals.
Im only saying that distilled water will always leach minerals from the body, not that its bad because it doesnt supply you with any.

Having made that clear (I hope), yes, some of the metals from water are absorbed. Fortification of drinking water with iron has been shown to be effective in increasing iron supplies.
Also, for example, some (just a little bit) aluminum is aborbed.

Or calcium from drinking water with calcium in it?
Yes, to a much greater extend than most metals.
Here is a study that shows this.
Last edited by RRM on Sat 23 Sep 2006 20:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RRM »

avalon wrote:there is a difference of opinion.
Actually, Im still waiting for you to explain something.
Im not asking you to change your mind, just to explain your point of view. I guess we agree that distilled water does leach minerals from the body, right? Well, do you really think that this can never hurt? In any circumstances?
I think my back is bleeding... oh, sorry it's just RRM, picking on me again :shock:
he he :D
Yes, im one persistent son of a <censored> ... </censored>
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Post by avalon »

RRM wrote:
Im not asking you to change your mind,
Change my mind??? I have no set belief in the matter. I have leanings, but they wouldn't 'hold water' if a gun was put to my head. I'm on the fence. I don't know who to believe.
I guess we agree that distilled water does leach minerals from the body, right? Well, do you really think that this can never hurt?

I really think I don't know. RRM, there's so much we learn everyday. Up until recently some scientists believed Dark Matter existed and some thought it didn't. Now, it seems it Does exist... if you want to believe what you read. How can I possibly know that the minerals leached from our bodies through Distilled water are needed by the body. What if it is a good thing to let these go. 'Lord' knows there's a lot we don't know. If I learn of a test where it has been proven to such an extent that these leaches (and you know who they are) are bad, hey I'm there. Count me a believer.
I'm already avoiding it to side with caution and the fear of certainty.

It all comes down to individuality. Your God may not be my God. My belief system, different from yours. You might see this as black or white because of your belief, but I have not been convinced yet of any truth regarding the dangers of Distilled water. I have concerns, that is all. And I don't believe this has been proven.
In any circumstances?

Like Scoob, I've just heard drinking Distilled water while on a Ferris Wheel at the 9:00 oclock position (eastern standard time), with a seat tilt of 76.999 degrees just might be safe after all :)

Scooby Doo!

Avalon :)
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Post by RRM »

avalon wrote:How can I possibly know that the minerals leached from our bodies through Distilled water are needed by the body. What if it is a good thing to let these go.
The only one who DOES know, is your body. And if you drink distilled water, it has no say in this, as it is forced to let go minerals even when it doesnt want to, and that is exactly what bothers me.
If we want to trust someone, it should be our own body, and we therefore should enable our body to absorb / let go / hold on to as much minerals as it wants, which is only possible with waters containing moderate levels of minerals.
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Post by johndela1 »

RRM wrote:Yes, to a much greater extend than most metals.
Here is a study that shows this.
So the concept of minerals being inorganic or organic is not realted to assimilatability?
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Post by RRM »

johndela1 wrote:So the concept of minerals being inorganic or organic is not realted to assimilatability?
It certainly is related.
But either the relation is relative and not absolute, or water also contains 'organic' minerals.
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Post by johndela1 »

Why do you put organic in quotes? Isn't it a real term? When I've taken classes titled organic chemistry it is seen as a real term. To say 'organic' minerals sounds like it isn't a real term. I am under the impression that organic minerals really means something specific.
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Post by benzapp »

johndela1 wrote:Why do you put organic in quotes? Isn't it a real term? When I've taken classes titled organic chemistry it is seen as a real term. To say 'organic' minerals sounds like it isn't a real term. I am under the impression that organic minerals really means something specific.
It has nothing to do with minerals really. RRM just put it in quotes as there is a distinction being made in the discussion, ie minerals that are incorporated into the living things we eat, and minerals suspended in water or otherwise not found in the living things we eat.

The word 'organic' has many meanings, but in this case RRM put it in quotes to emphasize an assumed meaning for the purposes of this discussion.
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Post by Ducky »

Im using an RO system myself.

After reading this thread im considering to take out one or two filters out of
the 5 filters in the system to keep calcium‚ magnesium and potassium etc. in the water.

And also recovering the "bad" water that comes out after the fourth filter.

For every glass of filtered water it "throws out" six glass. So that way im not gonna wasting water anymore.
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Post by avalon »

And still, there are those who believe the minerals we get from water aren't enough to make any sort of difference. The leaching is still debated and I have yet to read any peer reviewed article stating the facts/dangers of distilled water.

Best wishes,
Avalon :D
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Post by Mr. PC »

what RRM says makes sense to me, but I'm wondering.

Does cooking/making tea with distilled water cause minerals to leach from your body? or would the distilled water absorb the food contents and balance itself out. Maybe it would depend on exactly the food.
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Post by fictor »

Hmmm, I just thought of something that I would like to share with you guys, and get you opinion on.

If urine always consist of a fixed amount of minerals, the same proportions no matter what you eat/drink, then it would make sense that de-mineralized water would "leach" minerals from your body.

Also, this would mean that the best water to drink would be water that contained exactly the same amount of the same minerals as urine. This would not cause a mineral buildup in the body, nor would it leach minerals.

So, I tried to find out what is the mineral makeup of human urine? I needed to know, so that I could figure out if the water I drink is "too high" or "too low" in minerals, compared to urine.

What I discovered though, was that the mineral contents of urine vary greatly, depending on your mineral intake. This means that if you are on a high mineral diet, you urine will be high mineral urine, but if your mineral intake is quite low, like when drinking low mineral or no mineral water, your body will retain minerals and the urine will contain little minerals.

Does this not mean that you can drink low mineral or de-mineralized water, and your body will just adapt the mineral retention and maximize the mineral uptake?
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Post by RRM »

Mr. PC wrote:Does cooking/making tea with distilled water cause minerals to leach from your body?
Yes, but whether thats a good or bad thing (and for how long) depends on how high / low your blood-mineral levels are.
or would the distilled water absorb the food contents and balance itself out.
Per saldo, less minerals will be available.
But whether thats a good or bad thing, depends...
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