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Post by johndela1 »

I've heard that wine 'helps digestion'. Does anyone know of any documents that support this at all? I love wine and drink it often, but don't see how drinking wine can possible actually help anything except for the way you feel.
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Re: wine

Post by twinee1 »

johndela1 wrote:I've heard that wine 'helps digestion'. Does anyone know of any documents that support this at all? I love wine and drink it often, but don't see how drinking wine can possible actually help anything except for the way you feel.
I like dry red wine and I live in wine country and have a wine cellar...

the bible says..

1 Timothy 5:23 (New International Version)

Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
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Post by avalon »

What can I say, but...

I'll drink to that :wink:
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Post by nick »

The bible says a lot of things, but you don't need its 'sanctity' to have permission to drink wine. It doesn't hurt to relax now and again, and drinking wine couldn't hurt.
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Re: wine

Post by twinee1 »

johndela1 wrote: Does anyone know of any documents that support this at all?
Nick, :shock: I was giving him supporting document, as asked, and that is one resource I knew of.
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Post by Oscar »

I personally think alcohol in general is toxic, and the liver needs to detoxify it. It can also be addictive, as we know. On the other hand, fruit can contain alcohol when extremely ripe. So I'd say it isn't advised, but maybe a little on occasion (once or twice a year?) isn't too harmful.

As for the digestion question: why would you want to 'help' a perfectly working digestion? And in what way is wine supposed to help?
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Post by twinee1 »

I would think that the Bible quote may have been in relation to a specific group in a specific area of the world, possibly they were getting sick from the water (the ref to water and illness) and wine was an alternate source of fluid.
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Post by Oscar »

Could be, there are other references in the Bible that refer to wine/alcohol as not good.
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