My theory of Coca-Cola

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My theory of Coca-Cola

Post by Ducky »

I was thinking about why people love so much Colas and came to the conclusion.

Considering two facts:

1. The acid in colas is almost as strong as our stomach acid only you dont feel it because its also full of sugar.

2. Our stomach is completely weakened and sedated by the standard cooked diet.

This leads me to think that the acid in colas helps us to digest the food we eat.

Of course im not trying to promote the consumption of colas im just trying to establish a relation between the two things.

Feel free to disagree!
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Re: My theory of Coca-Cola

Post by johndela1 »

Ducky wrote: Feel free to disagree!

I am not saying I think you are wrong, but, don't people with general stomach problems normally tend to consume antacids?

I'd recommend considering this a hypothesis, doing some experiments or use some research already done by others then forming a conclusion.
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Re: My theory of Coca-Cola

Post by RRM »

Ducky wrote:. Our stomach is completely weakened and sedated by the standard cooked diet.
I dont know if that is true. In general it seems to do pretty well in digesting (bad) foods.
This leads me to think that the acid in colas helps us to digest the food we eat.
I imagine that its quite a task to digest a hamburger, for example. And maybe the 'dissolving properties' of coca cola make breaking down a burger a little easier. On the other hand, it may also hinder getting the enzyme balance right.
im just trying to establish a relation between the two things.
All we do now, is speculating.
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Post by Oscar »

Personally I think the huge amount of caffeine might also have something to do with people liking it so much. ;)
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