Poisoned Planet & the need to buy organic

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Poisoned Planet & the need to buy organic

Post by avalon »

I picked up a book yesterday at a local thrift store called- Diet For A Poisoned Planet. It is a very scarey book. The 'diet' is not Wais, but the message is horribly clear- our foods are contaminated with pesticides and poisons. The author David Steinman lists the fruits most and least likely to be dangerous. Many fruits were tested and found to be high risk, such as peaches :( Bananas were rarely contaminated :)

This reinforces the need to buy organic.

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Post by Oscar »

Yes, especially the fruits with thin skin (like peaches) or no skin (strawberries).
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Post by johndela1 »

It's hard to totally avoid. I saw a study on milk from Inuits moms and they said it would meet the safty standards if it was sold as a commercial product. They were saying that even in places as remote as the arctic circle, pollutions has contaminated.

http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articl ... id=1331997

http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/programmes/ ... tion.shtml


I don't know if this is just hype or a real threat
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