The Great Global Warming Swindle

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The Great Global Warming Swindle

Post by martianwarrior »

leafing through the forum, i keep noticing people are really confused about global warming and with the new carbon (bullshit) tax ready to go through senate, i felt a need to share this vital piece of truth...

it's a 7 part video called The Great Global Warming Swindle and it demands your full attention.

if people keep believing we are to blame for global (universal) warming, we will no doubt be taking a huge step towards not existing. the whole point of the carbon tax is to destroy the economy and society for that matter. and before anyone can even utter the words conspiracy theory... no no... conspiracy truth.

i'm not saying we don't damage the environment and that we can't do a little better, but it isn't cool to be fooled.

btw, last time i checked, i think we are still in a cooling period right now. i live in Pennsylvania and this is the coolest summer we've had so far in a few years.
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Post by Oscar »

Thanks, good documentary.
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Post by martianwarrior »


share it with your friends and family!
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Mr. PC
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Post by Mr. PC »

It seems accurate, but my knowledge in this field isn't enough for me to make an informed decision either way, so I won't.

I have noticed a pattern with media-scares being political (aids, pedophilia, terrorism).
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Post by martianwarrior »

It seems accurate, but my knowledge in this field isn't enough for me to make an informed decision either way, so I won't.
i don't know anything about this field of study either but i think they laid things out in a very elementary fashion and i think it's quite clear what's going on. are you familiar with the Climate Change Bill in the U.S., the carbon tax?
I have noticed a pattern with media-scares being political (aids, pedophilia, terrorism).
terrorism is the big one. the federal government has been caught several times creating the crises and the solution all in one fell swoop.[/i]
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Post by johndela1 »

I think it is possible humans are affecting the climate, but I don't think it is a fact. I'd say of course we are changing the amount of carbon in the air but we can't be sure how much or little it is affecting climate change. I don't think anyone disagrees that the climate changes over time, I think they just don't agree on if humans are influencing in a significant way.
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Post by martianwarrior »

i think that it is impossible for humans to be affecting climate change in way that it is necessary for the federal government to tax people into the ground.

imposing a ridiculous set of taxes and claiming that they own any land with water underneath it isn't solving any problems. it's just another sly trick to further enslave us. and i know people don't like to think of themselves as slaves, but that's exactly what America is now. slaves in training.

yes we could be more 'green'. yes we need to clean up our mother earth. but the the Climate Change Bill isn't proactive, it's completely reactive in a completely ass-backwards way.

can anyone see that we are a carbon based life form? it's what plants need to grow. it's what we are made of! we breathe it! the oceans emit it!

if you watch the video, i'm pretty sure it sums up(and i haven't watched it in a while, so i forget specifics)that there's no way that humans could possibly produce more carbon emissions in the various ways that we do in comparison to singular natural sources.

i think people NEED to decide for themselves one way or another. and i think that if you look at the facts it's clear that all the global warming hype is just fear mongering, propaganda and quite simply a vehicle to impose a taxing system that will bring Americans to their knees. as most know, America is often the model for the rest of the world and with this it will be no different. if the legislation is passed, it will have devastating effects on the global economy all the way down the line.

climate change isn't even a bad thing. it just happens. it's a natural process. debating whether or not we propagate climate change is just splitting hairs. even if we do, it doesn't matter. we should just calm down, tell the feds to get a life and to stop lying and we the people should figure out solutions which are slowly happening. do your best and don't worry about what other people do. these kinds of changes take time to come to fruition, especially when we have scum ruling over us.

if anyone on this thread hasn't watched the video, please watch it. it's pretty clearly the plain and simple truth.
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Post by johndela1 »

I agree there is a lot of politically motivated hype. I just don't' think we can say for sure all the carbon emissions we emit have absolutely no effect on the climate. I also think we can't say it does. What I mean is any extra CO2 we emit does have some effect it maybe be very small but just how small (or big) we don't know. I'm not saying we are heating up the planet or not, I'm saying we just don't know how much humans can or do affect things.
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Post by martianwarrior »

did you watch the videos jondela1? if you haven't i suggest you watch these sections immediately. it's clear that you're still confused and there's no need to be. please watch part 2 and 3. it will only take 20 min. you'll see that not only is CO2 not responsible for climate change, we don't even produce enough CO2 to affect anything compared to other sources. this isn't a debate about what we do to our environment. this is about whether or not CO2 drives climate change.

the CO2 we produce isn't even enough to affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere always follows temperature increase. so that means that first the temperature rises, which is caused by sunspots, the increased temperature allows the ocean to suck in more CO2.

from the mid 1800's to 1940, the earth's climate rose about 1 degree, during a period when industrial production was pretty low. after 1940 we had a post war industrial boom. all kinds of appliances, electric lighting, cars etc. were being manufactured. according to the man made global warming theory, temperatures should have risen, but they didn't. global temperature consistently fell for 35 years. there was a direct correlation between the amount of sunspot activity and the temperature increase and fall. this correlation can actually be tracked even further back in time, from about 1550 to 2000.

volcanoes produce more CO2 than all man made sources put together.

even more comes from animals and bacteria which produce 150 giga-tons per year. humans produce about 6 giga tons per year.

even more so than animals and volcanoes?... dead leaves.

the ocean is the largest natural producer of CO2 emissions. it produces more CO2 when global temperature is cooler.

i'm saying that it does not even matter that we produce CO2 emmisions as it does not drive climate change. it's not even worth our time to debate it. it's like splitting hairs.
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Post by johndela1 »

I don't think I'm being clear. I said we don't know how much or how LITTLE we are affecting things. If CO2 is a green house gas and we make it, we are contributing to a hotter environment. I'm not saying it is a large amount. I'm just saying we really do not know exactly how much (by that I mean how much or how little).

you say volcanos make more C02. do you mean historically or today? Can you give me some references to support this claim? This isn't something that everyone agrees with.

I hope you aren't considering me someone who claims man is responsible for the climate change. All I'm saying is that man adds to the amount of green house gases. There are interests and biases on both sides of the argument.
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Post by martianwarrior »

If CO2 is a green house gas and we make it, we are contributing to a hotter environment.
no, CO2 doesn't drive climate change. period. i'll ask again since you didn't answer... did you watch any of the movie?
you say volcanos make more C02. do you mean historically or today? Can you give me some references to support this claim? This isn't something that everyone agrees with.
i apologize for not researching this point on my own before hand. you're right to point out that it's hard to agree on this based on a number of factors and now that i look, it does seem like it should be left out of the argument. i believe that fact was meant to be presented as at the time of eruption or it could mean as you've said historically, over time it produces more CO2. either way, CO2 doesn't fuel climate change.
I hope you aren't considering me someone who claims man is responsible for the climate change.
well, i wasn't really sure and i'm especially confused now that you said
If CO2 is a green house gas and we make it, we are contributing to a hotter environment.
you've ignored what i've said about increases in CO2 emissions following increased temperatures.

it seems like you're sort of chilling in the middle but you have your foot in the man made global warming camp, even if it's just a little, like you're just playing it safe. and i'm not saying that to bash you. that's just what it seems like.

and it really seems like you haven't watched the video and you've already decided that nothing can be proven. i know you didn't specifically say that, that's just how you're making me feel.

i just want you to know that CO2 doesn't fuel climate change and it can be proven.
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Post by johndela1 »

Ok, I only watched the first video. I just watched 2 and 3.

I'm now doubting what I previously thought....

Video 3 makes a really good argument that is making me think that C02 is rising because the temp is rising and not causing the cause of the rise.

I've heard that Venus is so hot because the CO2 levels are so high. I mean more than heard, it is what most scientists think.

This video is very challenging to my ideas and is making me doubt what I currently think (which is great because I'm possibly going to learn).
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Post by martianwarrior »

make sure you watch all of it. it gets more interesting and more convincing as it goes on.

for anyone who reads through this thread is wondering what we're talking about because the first link doesn't work... ... annel_page
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Post by johndela1 »

yea, I did

I showed my liberal friend and he says if it takes lying to make clean air and energy independence than so be it.

I can't argue with that...
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