How do they know how much vitamin C it contains? How do they even know that it contains vitamin C in the first place. For all I know, they could be faking the nutritional values because they know the public will just take it at face value anyway.
I searched google to no avail. However I came across this page from wikianswers. It's about how the scientists find out how may calories a food contain. ... a_food_has
They actually ignite the food as part of the process? Since we do not cook our food, won't the calories that the scientists have calculated not apply to us? Have we been using the wrong value of calories all along in the nutritional calculator?They breakdown the food to its simplest form then place it in a metal cup which is in a water box. After they place the cup in the water they take the temperature of the water (Tinitial). When they have the temperature of the water they ignite the food and check the temperature after the fire(Tfinal). Then they use the equation
q=Masswater x specific heatwater x ΔTwater
(q=Heat in calories or joules) (T=temperature) (ΔTwater=Tfinal-Tinitial) (spefic heat of water= 4.18 J/g °C)
(Masswater = Mass of water in box - mass of box w/o water)
(joules to calore conversion 1 calorie=4.184 Joules)