Landing a job in the middle east as a programmer

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Landing a job in the middle east as a programmer

Post by clem24 »

Have you ever thought of working in the Middle East? That was the thought that took over me before and after I finished school. My programming skills and knowledge are achievements I am happy to talk about because it wasn't easy. And one thing that kept me going is that I believed in my abilities even though I am certain I might meet some that was better than me. I visited Job portals day and night. And I always focus on jobs in the United Arab Emirates because I have always wanted to visit, work and live in the country. Jobviate, Indeed and Monster where the portals I focused on, and I also polished my resume and displayed it online. To cut the long story short, I was offered a job to work in the UAE. My job-hunting took close to six months but I got what I wanted. The bottom line is whatever you set your mind to achieve, don't give up until you are able to achieve that thing. Be consistent and focused, in no time you will achieve your goals.

So have you had a dream of traveling and working in another country? How much effort have you put into it?
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Re: Landing a job in the middle east as a programmer

Post by RRM »

That is exactly my motto: Be consistent and focused, and don't give up until you are able to achieve what you want.
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