The sample diet is an optimal diet. In the sense it is not natural. It is constantly permanently balanced. Your skin is therefore (almost unnaturally) permanently balanced.
You dont need any hydrating if you do it 100%.
Out of the rea freaks out there...
There are arguments between optimal foodists (like myself) who search for the best available solution even if it would never be found in natural enviornment /liek Olive Oil for example).
and between seasonal foodists who want to be as close as possible to what humans did in wild nature.
If you follow the seasonal philosophy you need to live in Africa and eat only the fruits which are available during the season. You should collect all your fruits yourself, never peeling, or cutting anything.
There are no oils and no juices of course.
Thus, your nehaviour will slowly become simmilar to that of a monkey (who are constantly hyperactive because of high sugar/no fat levels a little protein), finally you will start scavanging dead rests of meat which somebody else hunted. You will feed on leftovers of animal food and insects to get some fat and protein. Welcome to the dream of seasonal foodists .
Now, my idea is different.
I think evolutionally and historically but I allow myself to OPTIMIZE the avolutional diet by making all the beneficial nutrients constantly, readily, and comfortably available to myself at all times.
I see no problem in eating bannanas in the winter, bading in the German (non existant sun), and drinking bottled water.
Why? becuase there is no better solution.
As a personallity, significant part of my health (in the widest sense) depends on belonging to the civilized world (and challenging it), driving a car, playing western music, sleeping in a bed, and using a computer etc...
The (wholistically speaking) healthiest way of life I can possibly lead is the sample diet, as described by Wai.
Just wanted to share some midday thoguhts
Optimal versus Seasonal/Natural
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