No, it ALWAYS leaches minerals from your water.fictor wrote:If urine always consist of a fixed amount of minerals, the same proportions no matter what you eat/drink, then it would make sense that de-mineralized water would "leach" minerals from your body.
No, it wouldnt mean that.this would mean that the best water to drink would be water that contained exactly the same amount of the same minerals as urine.
Maybe your body NEEDED to eliminate those minerals. Maybe not.
What is required is not at all defined by what is excreted.
Urine contents do not represent the total loss of minerals; minerals are also excreted through sweating and bowel movement..
You cannot make that that I could figure out if the water I drink is "too high" or "too low" in minerals, compared to urine.
Exactly.if you are on a high mineral diet, you urine will be high mineral urine, but if your mineral intake is quite low, like when drinking low mineral or no mineral water, your body will retain minerals and the urine will contain little minerals.
To an extend; your body tries to counteract too low and too high levels, but this is not prevention; its a response to what has already happened.Does this not mean that you can drink low mineral or de-mineralized water, and your body will just adapt the mineral retention and maximize the mineral uptake?
Before these minerals are excreted, they may first have constituted too high levels, which may result in various ailments.