Wounds, Healing speed, and Diet connection?

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Wounds, Healing speed, and Diet connection?

Post by panacea »

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if the Wai Diet, or any other diet, might speed up the process of healing wounds compared to other diets. (1) Does it make a difference? (2) How big is that difference? What is the reasons science gives us for these differences if they exist?

Would adrenaline shots speed up healing because they speed up the body?

The wounds I have on a constant basis are cat scratches on my hands and arms, from when we play around playfully (I don't believe in shortening his claws). I always end up getting 1 or 2 scratches per week, and since I've been on the wai diet I think they heal faster, but I can't be sure if I'm imagining things, any thoughts?
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Re: Wounds, Healing speed, and Diet connection?

Post by Oscar »

What I've noticed is:
- faster blood clotting
- faster wound healing
- no wound infection/inflammation even if not cleaned at all
- slower skin turnover, so scars seem to take longer to disappear

Also, my skin seems to be stronger, so it's less easy to get a wound in the first place. Plus wounds/cuts bleed less than they used to.
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Re: Wounds, Healing speed, and Diet connection?

Post by RRM »

Ive noticed the same, though im not sure about faster wound healing.
The slower skin turnover may also be the result of aging.
Im assuming that the cleaner your blood is (from redundant and toxic stuff), the more adequate wound healing will be.
I would not want to speed up wound healing, as the healing may be less precise and therefore result in worse scars.
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Re: Wounds, Healing speed, and Diet connection?

Post by Oscar »

It could be that slower skin turnover is the body's way to reduce unnecessary cell multiplications, so it essentially repairs the damage exactly to the point where functionality has been restored. I'm not sure.
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Re: Wounds, Healing speed, and Diet connection?

Post by djkvan »

I too have noticed slower skin turnover. I have a wound on my elbow that healed a while ago, but the scar seems delicate.
I do so like green eggs and ham. Thank you, thank you. Sam I am.
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