New girl! So canfused, please help

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New girl! So canfused, please help

Post by susijean04 »

Today i ate oranges, kiwis, apples, and raw egg yolk. Am i off to a good start? as there any advice you would give to a beginner? :? thanks for the help
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Re: new girl! so canfused, please help

Post by Iris »

Welcome, Susijean!
Perhaps you can describe more specific what, when and how much you eat so we can help you out.
It may already be very clarifying if you read through old threads. You'll read a lot of advise and common mistakes doing so.
Why are you confused?
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Re: new girl! so canfused, please help

Post by susijean04 »

well, i am a teenager with limited access to foods. I cant eat raw fish because we dont have any but i do eat raw egg yolk. Can i still clear my terrible acne? and well on this diet is it okay to pop my zits or should i completely avoid it? Thanks guys
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Re: new girl! so canfused, please help

Post by abicahsoul »

Also see if it could be possible to get your parents support to try this out for say two months? Of course it depends on your parents' general supportiveness, but might be worth a try. Explain to them, and they should be able to understand how bad your acne feels for you and that it would be great for you in many ways to get rid of it. You can use the nutrient calculator to convince them that you will get all you need etc. Perhaps you can also offer to do some chore at home (like vacuum, cook a meal once a week, or sth..) during this time.. (But only throw that card if you need to haha.. :lol: ) Perhaps you can even get your parents to give you change to go buy a small piece of raw fresh salmon or sth two times (or three times) a week which is all you need, cuz the Omega-3 is fat soluble and stores in the body..:)?
I noticed a big difference in my skin after two weeks.. the acne was in no way gone, but I had this biggg fall out of tallow/sebum, which made the new acne much less.. and now 2 months later even the most stubborn ones seems to be going..
If you haven't I would recommend to read the Free Acne Book and the (which is where you can download the Free Acne Book). Some things seems to be a bit revised from the Acne Book, but it is still ace to explain a lot of things and also give you a very positive start...
And read and ask here.. I am pretty new, but I got a lot of help and no moaning. :)
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Re: new girl! so canfused, please help

Post by RRM »

susijean04 wrote:Today i ate oranges, kiwis, apples, and raw egg yolk. Am i off to a good start?
Yes, what you are eating is perfect.
More importantly: did you eat enough?
Did you feel energetic all day?
If not, you ate too little. Its very easy to eat too little on this diet,
as eating all that fruit makes your stomach full, and then you think you had enough,
but that may be not enough energy.
as there any advice you would give to a beginner? :? thanks for the help
Lets start at the beginning.
Mistake number one: consuming too little energy.
If you do that, you will feel lethargic, tired and depressed, and then you will feel like giving up.
Or your parents are worried that you are losing weight.
So, whatever happens, you must make very sure to consume enough energy.
If you dont feel like eating more fruit, drink fruit juice.
And you can add sugar to that juice to feel more energetic.

Mistake number 2:: not consuming meals frequent enough
With this diet you need to consume some energy at least every 30 minutes.
the smaller the meals, and the more frequent, the better.

Mistake number 3: consuming too large meals.
If you consume too much in one sitting, it will make you feel nauseous and make your heart beat too fast.
susijean04 wrote:well, i am a teenager with limited access to foods. I cant eat raw fish because we dont have any but i do eat raw egg yolk.
For now thats perfectly ok.
We will find a solution for this later, once your acne is gone.
Can i still clear my terrible acne?
Absolutely. Fruits and egg yolks is perfectly fine.
and well on this diet is it okay to pop my zits or should i completely avoid it?
Once they are fully 'ripe' / ready to pop, you can do so.
Just make absolutely sure that they are ready.
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