26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by RRM »

You are welcome, waipete.
waipete wrote:you say 6 months easily you think I would have to wait 9 months?
Im sorry, but there is no way to predict this, because it will be individually very different...
I'd imagine that recovery will go faster on this diet though...
You think my skin can get worse if I were to be off the diet?
Of course, thats very much possible.
I'd love to start exercising again and gaining some weight!
You can do that on this diet.
Simply gradually increase your protein intake and see what the results are,
regarding your skin and regarding gaining weight.
Also make very sure to constantly get enough energy (to prevent using muscle protein for energy)
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by waipete »

Perfectly everything I wanted to hear. I'll try my best to keep 100% wai, I just wanted clear skin and to prove to people I wasn't a freak by showing them my clear skin, but I guess It doesn't matter what they think, I want to stay on this diet. Without the exercise I was starting to feel depressed, I'm going to increase yolks every 3 days to a max of 8 yolks, and exercise less then increase.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by waipete »

day 11-16 pimples got worse days progressed now breaking out all over the face
day 17 (today) woke up with about 15 whitehead pimples, some popped by brushing my teeth, lots were easily removed by not much effort only 1 was a tad stubborn still 100% wai, getting a little depressed that my acne is coming back not sure what to do, only hope is to stick with diet. I really hope it doesn't get as bad as it once was, back to waking up 25 pimples a day, and proceeding another 25 pimples as the day progressed was hell.
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allergies back

Post by waipete »

I said in another post my allergies were cured, well that's not so true perhaps I didn't cure them and maybe just defeated the cause.. maybe. Anyways that was about a year ago and it started to come back within the last 3 weeks, I have several things to blame and I'd like you to hear them.
1. Seasonal hay fever allergies - My allergies used to flare mostly around summer/spring times
2. Exercise - I have been extra inactive lately, because I don't have a job, and I'm still dieting extra strong.
3. Diet - Change in diet 2 weeks later I get allergies, not sure if that has anything to do with it but I do notice the smell of orange peels irritate my nose. Also through my lifetime I used to be skinny all my life, but I remember when I ate lots that day my allergies symptoms would lessen. I get 2100kcal/day on this diet 5'7 130lb 23yr.
4. Mold - well I did a lot of cleaning found some mold on bottom of walls in basement, wall had broken off as I scrubbed it was so damage, I managed to take off the wall where it seemed damaged. Just cement behind these walls, but at one place there is wood and I'm afraid it's spread to the inside of it. my allergies didn't decrease when I did all this cleaning, and my allergies are about the same when in and outdoors.

It's really hard to feel the benefits of a good diet when you have allergies all day.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by waipete »

update DAY 18-29 Well day 17 seemed to be the worst day were I looked really bad, but ever since then the pimple count has seemed to slowly decrease 15 pimples to about half 5-7 pimples a day I don't mind how I look, my skin is hardly dry anymore, oily more like. Skin looks to be looking softer, skin tone has improved it's not looking so red anymore, still 100% Wai, dreams came back about food lol but now it's not about eating munch foods by accident but more on purpose :O. I can see why cause I'm usually always thinking of breaking my diet, and also having a drink of alcohol :/ ahh well good exercise in discipline for the mind. Haven't done exercise, want to keep 100% Wai (and no that's not an excuse, I love exercising).
DAY30 (Today) Woke up with 2 big pimples, and 2 older big ones 69 days off accutane.
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Re: allergies back

Post by waipete »

Also I forgot to mention is mind-state it seems like when I'm doing a stressful activity like work on the computer (have been doing a lot of this lately), I tend to sneeze more, and the more I sneeze the more stressful the activity becomes often amplifying the stress level by A LOT. Now I can be doing something like watching TV and not sneeze at all, although I do sneeze other times, or having a conversation no sneezing, other times I feel like not talking cause I'm constantly trying to sneeze. It's like I give in to the pressure of wanting to sneeze which makes it easier to sneeze, and stress can trigger the initial sneeze which leads to more, other times I can't help but to sneeze. So when I'm easily enjoying something like watching TV or a conversation and totally in the moment I don't even think of sneezing. Maybe all bogus cause so many factors are in play such as environment and other things, Id just really like to see if there is some link and if not I can rule it out. Anyways I need to do some research but I don't know of any reliable sources.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by Oscar »

You're doing well it seems...keep at it. :)
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Re: allergies back

Post by Oscar »

2100kcal should be fine.
I can confirm your observation about concentration and sneezing (or coughing for that matter). When really concentrating on something else, there's no need for sneezing and/or coughing.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by waipete »

well I broke my diet and fell off the wagon, I was really bored, and frustrated with no getting the results I wanted :( and I lost my faith in the diet... I drank for 2 /1/2 days drinking mostly mixed beverages with pop and alcohol and beer, and also I wasn't at home so the food I was offered was mostly junk food, mmm it was so good but I was drunk so my diet fell off too. Well after stopping I didn't feel so bad cause my skin looked great :D but I remembered alcohol always did this and when the acne came back it fired back hard! What I thought was true I broke out severely (like 30 pimples :O), the most I ever did since I stopped accutane, and being hungover for a couple days I felt really really depressed. Still eating additively to non-wai foods I had no choice but to fall back on the diet, well 3 days into the diet my face already begun to clear up fast :D (just waking up to a few pimples) , and frankly I'm glad I made the mistake of falling off as it showed me the power of this diet. I really feel great and wonderful I almost lost all hope and was going to call my dermatologist to get back on.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by Oscar »

All in all a good experience then. :)
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by RRM »

Exactly. Thats the way to learn.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by waipete »

So I stopped keeping track of the days, and I'm just gonna keep on till I'm clear.

I got one question though, I sometimes consume eggs in the morning or an hour and half before bed just because sometimes I'm to lazy or tired to eat my last egg yolk meal and i take it first in the morning... well question is how long should I wait before I eat again after egg yolks? I was under the impression it was 3 hours I have no idea why.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by Oscar »

About 1-1.5hrs. Drinking (sieved) juices is the easiest.
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by eirrene »

Hey Pete,
I'm just curious how it's been going! You haven't updated in a while. I've been flirting with the wai diet and I'm not quite at 100% yet. How is your acne doing?
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Re: 26 days off accutane, the pimples are comming back :(

Post by waipete »

hey eirrene,
I just got back on the diet again, I fell off the wagon for a second time had a 3 day bender eating all loads of pizzas subs, everything junk foodish. Well just before that I was pretty cleared up, and remained clear up till a day after the binge, and I still continued to eat crap. Next day I broke out badly, begun eating a bit of Wai but still eating the junk foods also. Next day I broke out even more, and the redness of the yesterdays breakouts were still there, god damn I looked scary, and I had to go to work :(, I thought I'm just gonna suck it up and pop all my whiteheads which was about 20-24 small ones, I knew I was gonna clear up anyways so I didn't feel so bad about my skin, was eating more Wai and a little bit of junk food. Next day (Wednesday) broke out again, lesser this time about 15-20 small ones, looked about as scary as yesterday but starting to heal up a bit, was 100% Wai on this day, got used to showing up at work looking scary :). Thursday clearing up a bit more broke out about 10-12 small ones, work was easy I laughed more didn't think to much about my appearance 100% Wai. Friday finally starting to look clear :D broke out maybe 3 small 1 large pimple. Saturday (today) woke up to 2 medium 4 small pimples skin is looking less red, feeling fine.

Well I really found more of a concrete reason to not drink, the same thing pretty much happened as last time I fell off the wagon, I am yet to be 100% clear, because of accutane, yet but I'm almost 99% sure Wai diet does clear the skin. I guess the only way you will know it clears you up if you go 100% for 2 weeks, so If I were you, I would experiment with the diet 100% for 2 weeks, then from there on you have options, you can a. quit the diet b. stay on the diet 100% c. flirt with the diet d. experiment with new foods, and see which your skin reacts to. You can only know what the diet is by going 100%, flirting with it will only give you unreliable results. Thank you for reading :D I really thought no one read but the admins.
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