Emeira's Diary

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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by RRM »

Emeira wrote: available juices are from apples, bananas and carrots
Do you think I'll miss any nutrients? + yolks, mackerel, avocado, cucumber
If you dont add sugar and oil, and if it is not predominantly apply juice, it will be fine.
is it healthier to drink juices or to eat whole fruits if I have thin lining in a stomach?
Juices. That is because digestion of chuncks of fruits requires more digestive power; more gastric juice, which causes more damage to your stomach lining.
Of course, ripeness is also key, and you better not consume fruits like kiwi, pineapple etc.
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Emeira »

My research for massive hair shedding still continues.
I did testosterone test and DHEA-sulfate test, everything is fine
Then I did stool tests for enteropathogenic bacteria, h. pylori and candida overgrouth, results are fine also
... last one was for parasites, this one was POSITIVE, doctors have found blastocystis sp. cysts (don't know if this could be related to hair loss)

Now I'm REALLY concerned about eating raw animal foods, probably won't eat them again.
How can I make sure if raw egg yolks are safe? They could be fresh and still with parasites. I dont want any risk
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by RRM »

Per wiki;
Blastocystis naturally live in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans, as well as farm animals, birds, rodents, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
Blastocystis is a very common human parasites globally. In the US, about a quarter of the total population may be infected. In some areas, the infection rate is 100%. High rates of infection are found in individuals who work with animals.
Fecal-oral transmission is the most accepted pathway. (a cat or dog may wash its own anus, and may then lick your face, or your hands)
"dogs could be acting as a large reservoir capable of human infection" Noel C et al.
Epidemiological studies found that infection is more common in people living in proximity to farm animals or pets Dovie PW et al.
Are you around animals sometimes?

Infection may cause illness in humans with a poorly functioning immune system. Symptoms associated with the infection are diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, bloating, excessive gas, and anal itching. Most cases of the infection appear to become diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome. Nitazoxanide treatment seems to be effective, please ask your physician.
I searched for any connection between Blastocystis and hairloss, but i found nothing.
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Aytundra »

Rajič, B., Arapović, J., Raguž, K., Bošković, M., Babić, S., & Maslać, S. (2015). Eradication of Blastocystis hominis prevents the development of symptomatic Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: a case report. The Journal Of Infection In Developing Countries, 9(07), 788-791. doi:10.3855/jidc.4851 http://www.jidc.org/index.php/journal/a ... 30132/1350
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Emeira »

Are you around animals sometimes?
Yes, we have a cat, probably I should wash my hands more regularly then
Do you think is it still safe to eat raw yolks again? Egg shell can be infected too.
Most cases of the infection appear to become diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome
Tomorrow I"ll ask a doctor for colonoscopy test.
Nitazoxanide treatment seems to be effective, please ask your physician.
Probably he's going to prescribe me antibiotics.
I had searched this drug through google and did not found it in my country
I searched for any connection between Blastocystis and hair loss, but i found nothing
Me too.
I always feel one annoying symptom: it is incredibly strong scalp itching and tingling. But no dandruff, no scaling or skin infection.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:
Aytundra, I did tests for thyroid diseases in the past, results came normal. No Hashimoto's
Hmm... wondering what else I could do, what tests I should take to find out what is happening. For example my eyebrows are super strong, my eyelashes are very long and thick... but my hair :cry:
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Aytundra »

and from that article they said this drug worked to get rid of blastocystis hominis:
"and after 14 days metronidazole therapy eradication of Blastocystis hominis was achieved"
Maybe this is another drug you can search for?
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Emeira »

Blastocystis naturally live in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans
As my doctor said, blastocystis hominis is a part of a human gut flora and if I don't feel any strong or bad symptoms, such as: diarrhea, blood in stools etc. there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, she prescribed me medications for prophylactic reasons
In the future I'll be more careful with raw food and in general with hygiene.
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by RRM »

Emeira wrote:In the future I'll be more careful with raw food
This is all about hygiene.
Not about raw/cooked food.
When preparing your food, you should always properly wash your hands first.
And If you touch a cat or dog and then touch any (raw or cooked) of the food that you will eat (or are eating), you may complete a transfer.
Emeira wrote:Do you think is it still safe to eat raw yolks again? Egg shell can be infected too.
Simply thoroughly wash all eggs right before use (not days before, as this may leave the shell porous).
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Novidez »

RRM wrote:When preparing your food, you should always properly wash your hands first.
When you mean wash your hands, rinsing them only with water (no soap) is pretty enough, right?
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by RRM »

Novidez wrote:
RRM wrote:When preparing your food, you should always properly wash your hands first.
When you mean wash your hands, rinsing them only with water (no soap) is pretty enough, right?
Well, if you are scared of Blastocystis and similar, you need to use disinfectant soap.
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Emeira »

ok, more blood tests were done for liver and pancreas function:
Total bilirubin concentration 6.5 mkmol/l norm: 0-17 GOOD
Direct bilirubin concentration 1 mkmol/l norm: 0-43 GOOD
Aspartate aminotransferase activity 25 U/I norm: 0-31 GOOD
Alanine aminotransferase activity 13 U/I norm: 0-31 GOOD
Alpha amylase activity 93 U/I norm: 28-100 GOOD
Glucose 4.97 mmol/l norm: 4.16-6.38 GOOD

Alkaline Phosphatase U/I 84 norm: 98-279 (for adults) LOW

not suprised, beacause one of the main causes (which may be related to my current lifestyle) is malnutrition

"Low ALP levels may occur in individuals with malnutrition, especially when their protein or overall calorie intake is low. Children may be more likely than adults to develop low blood ALP levels from poor nutrition because their growing bodies have higher requirements for protein, calories and other nutrients. Malnutrition may be caused by a poor diet or by any condition that interferes with the absorption of food, such as celiac disease. When malnutrition is the cause of low ALP levels, other signs of poor nutrition will likely be evident as well. These signs include a low body weight and low blood levels of other proteins, vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and zinc."

and this could be related to hair loss
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Kasper »

Do you have low body weight?
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Emeira »

my BMI 19.9
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by Emeira »

current BMI 19.9, but my weight varies from 61.5 - 66kg because of under-eating or overeating
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Re: Emeira's Diary

Post by RRM »

Emeira wrote:not suprised, beacause one of the main causes (which may be related to my current lifestyle) is malnutrition
Why are you not surprised?
Because of what lifestyle factor may you be malnourished?
Are you bulemic?
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